Every day is filled with surprises, discoveries, and excitement because we are tackling uncharted challenges.
柳川 滋
Shigeru Yanagawa
Technical Development Team
Senior Engineer

光学技術の大手メーカーにて長年、キャリアを積んできた柳川氏。Orbital Lasers代表の福島や技術開発責任者の丸山らとの出会い、そして宇宙事業の可能性に魅了され、Orbital Lasersの立ち上げメンバーとして参画を決意します。現在は、スペースデブリ除去用のレーザー光源の開発に加え、新工場の立ち上げ準備や社内環境の整備に、日々、奮闘しています。
Mr. Yanagawa has built a long career at a major optical technology manufacturer. After meeting Orbital Lasers’ CEO, Fukushima, and CTO, Maruyama, and being captivated by the potential of the space industry, he decided to join as a founding member of Orbital Lasers. He is currently working on developing laser light sources for space debris removal, as well as preparing for the launch of a new factory and improving the internal environment.
Q1. 入社以前の経歴は?
Q1. What is your background before joining Orbital Lasers?
Extensive experience at a major optical technology manufacturer, including setting up overseas factories and launching new businesses.
In university, I specialized in mechanical processing of brittle materials like glass. After graduating, I joined a manufacturer that handled production and inspection equipment using optical element processing and optical thin film processing. Over 28 years, I gained experience across various departments, including manufacturing, technology, and sales. I also played a key role in setting up overseas factories and launching new businesses, building a career as a "start-up expert." I've always enjoyed creating something from scratch.
Q2. Orbital Lasers に入社したキッカケは?
Q2. What motivated you to join Orbital Lasers?
Attracted by the "humanity of the members" and the "potential of space," I chose a new field as the culmination of my career.
前職時代から「理化学研究所」との接点があり、弊社の技術責任者である丸山との出会いもその頃に遡ります。もう10年以上も前のことです。Orbital Lasersの事業構想を聞いたときに「宇宙事業というこれからの分野で挑戦するのは、面白いに違いない」とワクワクしたのを、今でも鮮明に覚えています。人生において「自分の技術が搭載されたロケットの打ち上げに立ち合う」機会は、誰もが経験できることではありませんからね。
I first encountered Maruyama, our CTO, more than 10 years ago through a connection with RIKEN during my previous job. When I heard about the business plan of Orbital Lasers, I vividly remember feeling excited, thinking, "It would be fascinating to take on the challenge in a field like space." After all, not everyone gets the opportunity to witness the launch of a rocket equipped with their own technology.
Q3. 社内の雰囲気は?
Q3. What is the atmosphere like within the company?
A culture that values the "team," not the "individual." Discussions are constructive and forward-looking, regardless of age or position.
代表の福島や技術責任者の丸山をはじめ、Orbital Lasersのメンバーは、あらゆる課題に柔軟かつフラットに向き合います。先入観や固定概念にとらわれずに、つねにオープンなスタンスで意見交換ができる環境ですね。さらに社内には「チーム」を大切する雰囲気が漂っています。テクノロジーの会社というと、どうしても「個」のイメージが強いかもしれませんが、Orbital Lasersはそうではありません。役職や年齢、性別を越えて、相手の意見を尊重し、建設的に議論し、前向きにプロジェクトを進めていく文化が、この会社にはあります。
The members of Orbital Lasers, including CEO Fukushima and CTO Maruyama, approach every challenge with flexibility and openness. We have an environment where people exchange opinions freely without being bound by preconceptions or fixed ideas. There's also a strong sense of valuing the "team" within the company. Although tech companies often have a strong image of individualism, Orbital Lasers is different. Here, age, position, and gender don’t matter—everyone respects each other's opinions and engages in constructive discussions to move projects forward positively.
Q4. 現在の業務内容について
Q4. What are your current responsibilities?
In addition to developing laser light source technology, I’m working on preparations for the new factory and improving the internal environment.
I am involved in the development of laser light source technology for the practical application of space debris removal. The company is filled with experts who have both experience and impressive track records, so my role is more as a generalist. I support CTO Maruyama, coordinate among team members, and use my previous experience to help with the new factory's launch preparations and the improvement of our internal environment. Although there are many challenges, I find it genuinely interesting to have a different day every day.
Q5. どんな人と一緒に働きたいか?
Q5. What kind of people do you want to work with?
I want to accomplish big missions with teammates who have a strong sense of "safety" in technology and can enjoy even the toughest challenges.
It might be a little surprising, but personally, I welcome those with a strong sense of safety awareness. Lasers are invisible, so we always need to handle them with care. Moreover, in our challenge to develop practical "space lasers," we cannot afford any accidents. One accident, regardless of whether it involves human injury, could stop the research and development we've worked so hard on. That said, I also believe that those who can actively tackle challenges and enjoy the process, with a broad perspective, are well-suited for the work we do.