From "Advanced Technology" to "Socially Valuable Services" – Creating Innovation from a Business Perspective
加藤 鉄平
Teppei Kato
Chief Business Officer(CBO)

大学卒業後、スカパーJSATに入社し、衛星通信サービスの企画・営業に携わる。その後、事業開発職に移り、主に衛星リモートセンシング領域における新規事業開発やスタートアップへの投資、他社とのアライアンス構築等に従事。日系宇宙ベンチャーにも出向しIPOに至るまで組織の一員として事業戦略策定と推進を手掛ける。2024年1月Orbital Lasers設立に伴い同社、事業開発部長(CBO)(CBO)に就任した。
After graduating from university, Teppei Kato joined SKY Perfect JSAT, where he worked on the planning and sales of satellite communication services. He later transitioned to a business development role, focusing on new business ventures in satellite remote sensing, forming alliances with startups, and making investments. He also experienced a secondment to a Japanese space venture, where he contributed to business strategy formulation leading up to its IPO. In January 2024, he became the Head of Business Development at Orbital Lasers following its establishment.
Q1. 入社以前の経歴は?
Q1. What was your career before joining Orbital Lasers?
The exciting experience of shaping new businesses remains my driving force.
I’ve loved space since I was a child. While I was part of a space physics research lab during university, I realized I wanted to be involved in space from the "business side." That’s why I decided to join SKY Perfect JSAT, a company involved in space-related business, in 2007. After joining, I worked on planning and sales of satellite communication services in both domestic and international markets. Later, as small satellite ventures began thriving, especially in the U.S., I shifted my focus to the satellite remote sensing sector and took on a business development role.
In 2017, I was stationed in Silicon Valley, where I gained experience working with venture capitalists and startups in the space industry. In 2021, I led the Series B investment in a Japanese space venture focused on observational satellites. After the investment, I was seconded to the company and worked on developing and promoting its business strategy, eventually leading to its IPO. Although these roles were often filled with challenges, they were incredibly exciting as I was constantly venturing into unexplored territory to shape new businesses.
Q2. Orbital Lasers に入社したキッカケは?
Q2. What motivated you to join Orbital Lasers?
代表・福島が語ったOrbital Lasersの構想に
I was moved by CEO Fukushima's vision for Orbital Lasers. Soon, space lasers will have a significant social impact.
Orbital Lasers代表の福島は、スカパーJSAT時代の先輩です。ゼロイチの事業開発は自分の想いだけが推進力になるため、時には孤独な闘いとなります。福島とは、分野は違えども、新事業の構築を目指す者同士、夜な夜な相談をしたり、新たなアイデアを話し合ったりする間柄でした。ある日の夜、いつものように雑談をしていると、福島から「今開発している宇宙用レーザーの技術を応用すれば、小型ライダー衛星が作れるかもしれない」という話が語られ、その構想を聞いた瞬間に、ビビっと来たんです。その時のことは、今でも忘れません。その後、実際にOrbital Lasersが立ち上がることになり、「グローバルで通用する競争優位性」と「事業化による社会への多大なインパクト」を改めて確信し、スカパーJSATを退職。Orbital Lasersへの参画を決意します。現在は福島とともに事業化、収益化に向けて奮闘する日々です。
The CEO of Orbital Lasers, Fukushima, was my senior during my time at SKY Perfect JSAT. When developing a new business, your passion is often the only driving force, which can feel isolating at times. Fukushima and I, though in different fields, often shared ideas late into the night, discussing new ventures. One evening, during our usual casual conversation, Fukushima mentioned, “If we apply the space laser technology we’re developing, we might be able to create small lidar satellites.” The moment I heard that, I felt an immediate spark. I still remember that moment vividly. Soon after, Orbital Lasers was established, and I became convinced of the "global competitive advantage" and the "massive societal impact" the business could bring. I decided to leave SKY Perfect JSAT and join Orbital Lasers. Now, I’m working alongside Fukushima, focusing on business development and commercialization.
Q3. Orbital Lasersはどのような組織か?
Q3. What kind of organization is Orbital Lasers?
A field where experts from various domains come together. This is why you can thoroughly explore your own specialty.
Orbital Lasersは、スカパーJSATからカーブアウトした形で創設されたスタートアップ企業です。同社からは技術者の出向や経営管理のサポートなど、多方面におけるバックアップを受けており、経営面でも安定しているところは、組織的な強みであると考えています。加えて、理化学研究所(理研)と培ってきた共同研究の蓄積もあるため、事業構築の根幹となる技術の実現性に関して、すでに見通しが立っている点も強みだと捉えています。さらに、スタートアップというと若手主体の組織を想像されるかもしれませんが、Orbital Lasersには、レーザーや衛星システム、機構など、あらゆる分野のエキスパートが集まっています。宇宙事業の魅力は、宇宙という特殊な環境で、プロダクトを安全かつ安定的に運用するために、多様な専門技術が必要とされる点にあります。そういった意味でも、宇宙関連事業に興味がある方にとって、Orbital Lasersは、自身の能力を大いに高められるフィールドではないかと、手前味噌ながら、自負しています。
Orbital Lasers is a startup spun off from SKY Perfect JSAT. We receive extensive support from the company, including engineers on secondment and help with business management, which provides stability from an organizational standpoint. In addition, we’ve built up years of joint research with RIKEN (the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research), which ensures the feasibility of our core technology for business development. Many may imagine that startups are driven by young members, but at Orbital Lasers, we have experts in various fields such as lasers, satellite systems, and mechanics. The beauty of the space business lies in the necessity of diverse technical expertise to ensure the safe and stable operation of products in the unique environment of space. I believe that for anyone interested in the space industry, Orbital Lasers offers a field where you can significantly enhance your skills.
Q4. 現在の業務内容について
Q4. What does your current work involve?
Leveraging RIKEN's "laser technology" and SKY Perfect JSAT's "space business know-how" – as Head of Business Development, I aim to commercialize and generate revenue.
短期だけではなく、中長期の事業戦略の策定と、それに基づいた事業推進がメイン業務です。さらに、資金調達やマーケティング活動など、組織の成長に欠かせない業務も広く担っています。私たちの事業は、理研のメンバーが開発した「レーザー技術」と、スカパーJSATが培ってきた「宇宙事業のノウハウ」が融合しているという、他にはない強みがあります。実際、国や官公庁の方々と話していると、当社への期待が非常に高いと感じており、すでにJAXAとは高度計ライダー衛星の研究開発に関する契約も締結しています。私はOrbital Lasersの技術が、これからの人類の発展において、重要な役割を果たすと確信しています。だからこそ、事業開発を担うものとして、この宇宙用レーザーを“先進的な技術”で終わらせずに、“社会価値をもたらすサービス”へと昇華させていく。それこそが私に課された、最大のミッションだと考えているんです。
My main tasks involve not only formulating short-term but also mid-to-long-term business strategies and driving business development based on these strategies. Additionally, I am broadly responsible for activities essential to the organization’s growth, such as fundraising and marketing. Our business uniquely combines laser technology developed by RIKEN with the space business expertise cultivated by SKY Perfect JSAT. In conversations with government agencies and public offices, I feel that expectations for our company are incredibly high. We’ve already signed a contract with JAXA for research and development related to altitude-sensing lidar satellites. I believe that Orbital Lasers’ technology will play a crucial role in humanity's future progress. Therefore, as someone responsible for business development, I see it as my mission to ensure that our space laser technology evolves from "advanced technology" to a "socially valuable service."
Q5. どんな人と一緒に働きたいか?
Q5. What kind of people do you want to work with?
New challenges always come with difficulties. I want people who can continue moving forward, even when the path seems uncertain.
Orbital Lasersは、まだアーリーフェーズのスタートアップですが、その挑戦は壮大で、社会に大きなインパクトを与えると考えています。ただ、新しい技術開発や事業の創出には、常に困難が伴います。答えがわからず、暗中模索することもあるでしょう。それでも、叶えたい未来を見失わずに、前進し続けられる方を歓迎したいです。また、私たちはアイデアや意見を自由に発信できる雰囲気を大切にしています。心理的安全性を担保し、どんな状況でも誰もがリラックスして議論できる。これはOrbital Lasersの強みであり、組織が成長しても守り続けたい文化だと考えています。
Orbital Lasers is still an early-phase startup, but our challenge is grand, and I believe it will have a significant societal impact. However, new technology development and business creation are always accompanied by difficulties. There will be times when the path forward is unclear. Still, I want people who can continue moving toward the future they wish to achieve, without losing sight of their goals. We also value an atmosphere where ideas and opinions can be freely expressed. Ensuring psychological safety, where anyone can relax and discuss issues, is a strength of Orbital Lasers and a culture I want to protect as we grow.