Press Release
Orbital Lasers、経済産業省が推進する「J-Startup」に選定
Orbital Lasers Selected as "J-Startup" by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
革新的な宇宙用レーザー技術を開発する株式会社Orbital Lasers(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役:福島 忠徳、以下「当社」)は、経済産業省が運営するスタートアップ支援プログラム「J-Startup」の第5次選定企業に選出されたことをお知らせします。
「J-Startup」は、グローバルに活躍するスタートアップを創出するために、2018年6月に立ち上げられました。実績あるベンチャーキャピタリストや大企業の新事業担当者等の外部有識者からの推薦に基づき、潜在力のある企業を選定し、政府機関と民間の「J-Startup Supporters」が集中支援を行うプログラムです。経済産業省・日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)・新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)が事務局となり、プログラムの運営を行っています。
Orbital Lasersは、世界でもっともハイパワーかつ小型で高効率な宇宙用レーザーを開発し、「スペースデブリ除去事業」と、「衛星ライダー事業」を推進しております。本プログラムを通じて、今後の事業成長および将来的な海外展開に向けた基盤を築いていき、地球から宇宙まで至る社会課題の解決と豊かな未来の創造に貢献して参ります。
株式会社Orbital Lasers:
概要 :小型・高効率な宇宙用レーザー技術を開発し、衛星ライダー事業や
設立 :2024年1月
代表者:代表取締役 CEO 福島 忠徳
[Tokyo, Japan] – Orbital Lasers Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO: Tadanori Fukushima, hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), a developer of innovative laser technology for space, proudly announces its selection as the fifth company to join the prestigious “J-Startup” program, promoted by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
J-Startup was launched in June 2018 with the mission of fostering startups with the potential to make a global impact. This program identifies promising startups based on recommendations from experienced venture capitalists, corporate innovation leaders, and other external experts. Selected startups receive intensive support from both government agencies and private sector ‘J-Startup Supporters.’ The program is jointly administered by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).
Under this initiative, NEDO provides R&D funding support, JETRO facilitates international expansion, and METI offers preferential consideration in various government screening processes. Additionally, private sector partners contribute valuable collaboration opportunities and mentoring services, creating a comprehensive ecosystem to empower Japanese startups to compete and succeed in the global marketplace.
Orbital Lasers has pioneered the development of the world’s most powerful, compact, and efficient space lasers, driving innovation in the “Space Debris Removal” and “Satellite LiDAR” sectors. Through this program, we are building a solid foundation for future business growth and global expansion. Our mission is to tackle pressing global challenges, from space debris to Earth observation, while contributing to a sustainable and prosperous future for both space and Earth.
[Excerpt from the comment on the reason for recommendation]
The company is committed to staying ahead of global trends in its mission to “create innovative value for humanity through satellite laser technology and pave the way for a new future in the era of space exploration.”
In collaboration with RIKEN and leading universities, we have developed laser technology for space applications, including “the world’s most powerful, compact, and cost-effective laser technology.” We are also pioneering the development of a satellite LiDAR constellation, a trailblazing business initiative that has yet to be successfully realized globally.
【Orbital Lasers Co., Ltd.】
Description A startup developing compact and highly efficient space laser technologies, engaged in the satellite LiDAR, Space Debris Removal and other space-related businesses.
Founded January 2024
Location AKASAKA INTERCITY AIR, 8-1, Akasaka 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Representative Tadanori Fukushima, Representative Director and CEO