Press Release
Orbital Lasers、創立1周年を迎えました
Orbital Lasers Marks a Successful First Anniversary
革新的な宇宙用レーザー技術を開発する株式会社Orbital Lasers(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役:福島 忠徳、以下「当社」)は、2025年1月12日をもって創立1周年を迎えました。皆さまの日頃からのご支援とご愛願について役員・社員一同、心より感謝申し上げます。
1月17日には、弊社メンバーや出資者、金融機関 など多くの皆様にご参加いただき、1周年記念パーティを開催いたしました
Orbital Lasers 代表取締役 福島からのコメント:
「創立1周年を、チームの皆様や、日ごろからご支援いただいている投資家や関係者の皆様と共に迎えられることを、心から嬉しく思います。 2024年1月12日の設立以来、当社は『衛星レーザー技術で人類にとって革新的な価値を創造し、宇宙大航海時代における新たな未来を切り拓く』というミッションを掲げ、衛星ライダー事業とスペースデブリ除去事業に取り組んでまいりました。
この1年で、事業面ではJAXAからの「高度計ライダー衛星の概念設計契約」の受注、さらにはインドの宇宙事業者とはスペースデブリ除去事業における協業に関するアライアンスを締結するなど重要な成果をおさめることが出来ました。来年度には事業拡大のための工場設立を予定しており、また、シリーズAの資金調達を通じてさらに飛躍的な成長を目指してまいります。 当社の歩み、プロジェクト、将来のビジョンについては、 をご覧ください。」
株式会社Orbital Lasers:
概要 :小型・高効率な宇宙用レーザー技術を開発し、衛星ライダー事業や
設立 :2024年1月
代表者:代表取締役 CEO 福島 忠徳
Orbital Lasers Co., Ltd. (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Tadanori Fukushima, Representative Director and CEO; hereinafter “the Company”), a developer of innovative space laser technology, celebrated its first anniversary on January 12, 2025. We at Orbital Lasers would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support and patronage.
On January 17, we held a party to celebrate our first anniversary with the participation of our members, investors, financial institutions, and many others.
Comment by Mr. Tadanori Fukushima, Representative Director and CEO
We are delighted to celebrate our first anniversary with our team and all of our investors and stakeholders, who have continued to support us. Since our establishment on January 12, 2024, we have been engaged in the Satellite LiDAR and Space Debris Removal businesses with the mission of ‘By powering innovative satellite laser technology, Orbital Lasers is shaping a better future for humanity and society in this great era of space exploration.”
We began with just a few individuals, but we have experienced steady growth over the past year. We successfully raised 900 million Yen in our seed round and expanded our team to over 30 members. I want to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who has supported us and shared our vision for the future. Thank you all for being part of this journey.
We are currently developing high-efficiency, high-power satellite laser technology. Our development is driven by user needs, making each technology’s pursuit quite challenging. We have assembled a team of experts with extensive experience in lasers, optical systems, and satellites, and we are confident in our ability to succeed. I look forward to collaborating with all of you as we strive to become the world’s leading technology group in the satellite laser field and a leader in the global market.
Over the past year, we have achieved significant business results, including receiving an order from JAXA for a conceptual design contract for LiDAR satellites and forming a partnership with an Indian space operator for collaboration in the space debris removal sector. We plan to establish a factory in the next fiscal year to develop and manufacture laser satellites. Through Series A financing, we aim to accelerate our growth even further. To learn more about our history, projects, and vision for the future, please visit
About Orbital Lasers Co., Ltd.:
Representative :Mr. Tadanori Fukushima, Representative Director, and Chief Executive Officer
Established :January, 2024
Head Office Location :Akasaka Intercity AIR, 1-8-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 107-0052
Business Focus :
Orbital Lasers is at the forefront of space laser technology, developing compact and highly efficient satellite laser systems to support space debris removal, detumbling solutions, and LiDAR-based remote sensing constellations. These innovations contribute to sustainability both on Earth and in space. Laser-based detumbling offers a contactless, low-complexity, and cost-effective solution for orbital operations, while LiDAR technology enables precise surface elevation measurements. The data from LiDAR systems has diverse applications, including forest management, biomass estimation, land use planning, embankment and excavation monitoring, landslide risk detection, urban digital twins, and 3D mapping.